Appointment Policies
- I strive to be on time. I understand that your time is valuable to you, as my time is valuable to me. Please have your horse ready to be worked with at the designated time.
- To be considerate of your time, I will try to call or text when I am on my way with my estimated time of arrival. Please be considerate of my time and courteous to me and your fellow horse enthusiasts by having your horse ready, brushed, and available.
- Thank you in advance for understanding that some things are unpredictable and unpreventable (emergencies, detours, traffic, school buses, moving turtles out of harms way, etc.).
- Please be considerate to your fellow horse enthusiasts by letting me know ahead of time if you are running late or if you have an additional work request. This will allow me, if able, to give the next client an adjusted time of arrival.
- If you are unable to keep an appointment, kindly provide me with at least 48 hours notice. This courtesy will hopefully make it possible to give your appointment time to another patient.
- If I am scheduled to evaluate a horse I have never examined before, kindly fill out and submit the new patient form a few days PRIOR to your scheduled appointment. This will enable us to help your horse and allow us to be efficient.
Payment and Cancellation Policies
- Payment is due at time of service unless previous arrangements have been made.
- A fee of $40 will be charged for any returned checks.
- Cancelled appointments within 48 hours may be liable to an appointment cancellation fee.
- No-show appointments will be liable to a no-show fee.
- A monthly billing fee of $15 will be charged for any account balance over 30 days. If a certified letter is required for collection purposes, a $30 fee will be charged to your account.
- Any account with a balance older than 30 days may be submitted to a collection agency and the client will be responsible for all fees incurred.
Policies may be amended as needed.